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Rug-Detect Model Training Process

CA: 3xQnWtcvD2vdWDNDbkJxWviYVgRpTJdz3pnM8gyKpump

What is Pazyryk?

Pazyryk is the first rug in the world, and only it can save you from getting rug-pulled! Pazyryk is a Rug-Pull Detection System, a machine learning-based agent to identify potential rugs.

How It Works

Pazyryk is designed to analyze tokens launched on the platform and predict the likelihood of a rug-pull event. The workflow consists of the following steps:

Data Collection

Pazyryk collects token data from This includes:

Model Training

Pazyryk is currently training using historical data. The training dataset includes labeled examples of both rug-pull and non-rug-pull tokens.


Once trained, Pazyryk evaluates new tokens in real-time and assigns a rug-pull risk percentage. Users can see detailed explanations for each prediction, ensuring transparency.

Transparent Predictions

Each prediction is backed by clear metrics, such as the concentration of top holders or liquidity changes, making the model’s decision-making process easy to understand.

Continuous Improvement

The system is periodically retrained with new data, adapting to evolving trends in the token ecosystem.

You can also contribute to Pazyryk by snitching old rug CA to help train our model.